Health and Wellness



Caring for your mind, body and soul is important before, during, and after breast cancer treatment. Prioritizing one’s health has been shown to improve quality of life among those who are currently or have previously experienced a breast cancer diagnosis. Taking care of yourself physically, including engaging in physical activity, eating a well-balanced diet, reducing stress, maintaining a healthy weight, and continuing regular health screenings are just a few ways to help reduce your risk of recurrence. Below you will find information and resources that will help you identify ways to navigate your nutrition, physical activity, mental health, and overall wellness.

As with all aspects of your healthcare, it is important to consult with your medical team before implementing changes to your diet and exercise routine or adding integrative therapies to your treatment.

Bring Your Brave

BCRC and the CDC are working together to close the knowledge gap for young women and health care providers and empower both in facing breast cancer. Part of this agreement is to educate and inform the community about the Bring your Brave Campaign. The campaign provides information about breast cancer to women younger than age 45 by sharing real stories about young women whose lives have been affected by breast cancer. The campaign is a way to encourage women under 45-years-old to be more mindful and to know their risk for breast cancer.

For more information about Bring your Brave, go to Bring Your Brave Campaign | CDC

Compass Crew

Compass Crew is a health and wellness program for BCRC clients. Through this program, clients are able to connect with other survivors and thrivers who want to improve their physical and emotional health. Compass Crew provides clients with a platform to find workout buddies, discuss methods to unwind and practice self-care, form walking groups, and much more. For more information or to join Compass Crew, please fill out this interest form.

Compass Crew (1)

To Access Our Services and Programs and Become a BCRC Client

Please complete our intake form or call our hotline at 512-524-2560.


Eating food that nourishes your body before, during, and after cancer treatment can help you feel better and stay stronger. Eating a well-balanced diet ensures you are getting the proper nutrients, such as protein, vitamins, and minerals. Below you will find several resources that will assist you to maintain a healthy eating lifestyle. You might also find working with a registered dietitian (RD) or a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) to be helpful as well.

The Impact of Nutrition on the Cancer Experience

YouTube video

Integrative and Creative Arts Therapies

Integrative medicine is healing-oriented medicine that considers the whole person. It is part of a comprehensive plan to treat the disease and its side effects. Therapies used in integrative medicine can include yoga, reiki, meditation, and oncology massage, among others. Creative Arts Therapies uses the creative and expressive process of art making to improve and enhance the psychological and social well-being of individuals. Creative Arts Therapies include music, art, writing, and dancing. Below you will find several resources that explain these therapies and provide you with ways to add them to your treatment and post-treatment.

Part 1: How Integrative Medicine Can Impact Your Cancer Experience: Manual Therapy, and More!

YouTube video

Part 2: How Integrative Medicine Can Impact Your Cancer Experience: Energy Therapies + Mind-Body Techniques

YouTube video

Caring for Your Skin During Cancer Treatment

YouTube video

Emotional Health

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis can be an extremely stressful and overwhelming. When dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis, your mental and emotional health is just as important as your physical health. Once treatment begins and as you move into post-treatment, working with a mental health professional can help you cope with the different emotions you might be feeling. Below you will find several resources that will assist you to connect to a mental health provider.

Mental Illness in the Black Community

YouTube video

Grief & Loss from a Diagnosis and Treatment

YouTube video

Metastatic Breast Cancer & Grief

YouTube video

Caring for Your Mental Health During and After Treatment

YouTube video

Should I See a Mental Health Provider?

YouTube video

How to Choose a Mental Health Provider

YouTube video

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