Breast Cancer University™




Learn More From Breast Cancer University™


Breast Cancer Resource Center has created Breast Cancer University™ to provide educational programs to educate our community about breast cancer and the needs of those diagnosed. 

Ask the Experts! Let’s Talk About Breast Cancer video series focuses on topics related to survivorship for our survivors, thrivers, and caregivers. Community Health Workers will learn about the psychosocial impact of Breast Cancer on those diagnosed and how to support them. 

Our Physicians and Healthcare Professionals’ forums educate these professionals on best practices when treating breast cancer patients.  

Community Health Workers

Pink ribbon and stethoscope on wooden background, space for text

Understanding the Psychosocial Impacts of Breast Cancer

Entendiendo los Impactos Psicosociales de Cáncer de Mama

This training will cover the psychosocial impacts breast cancer can have on patients, as well as the 8 Texas Core Competencies required by the Community Health Worker (CHW) certification. Additionally, this training will provide CHW's with resources they can use to be able to discuss issues and challenges faced by their breast cancer patients. 6 DSHS Certified CEUs for Community Health Workers and Instructors.

Este entrenamiento abarcara los impactos psicosociales que tiene el cáncer de seno en pacientes al igual que las 8 Texas Core Competencies requeridas para la acreditación de Trabajador de Salud Comunitario (TSC). Adicionalmente, este entrenamiento proveerá a los TSCs con recursos que pueden utilizar para poder analizar problemas y desafíos que enfrentan sus clientes con cáncer de seno. 6 CEUs Certificados por DSHS para TSCs/Promotores e Instructores.

Psychosocial Impact of Breast Cancer at Diagnosis

Impacto Psicosocial del Cáncer de Mama en el Momento del Diagnóstico

Psychosocial Impact of Breast Cancer on Family and Friends

Impacto Psicosocial del Cáncer de Mama en Familiares y Amigos

Psychosocial Impact of Breast Cancer on Emotional Health

Impacto Psicosocial del Cáncer de Mama en la Salud Emocional

Psychosocial Impact of Breast Cancer After Treatment Ends

Impacto Psicosocial del Cáncer de Mama Después de Finalizar el Tratamiento

(Note: The training has been moved to a new platform. You will be asked to create a new account to enroll in the courses. If you started a course on the old platform your spot was not saved and you will need to start again.)

Physicians and Healthcare Professionals

Breast Cancer University™ aims to deliver programs that benefit medical staff when treating young women diagnosed with breast cancer.  We have engaged subject matter experts, Medical Oncologists, and survivors to discuss topics important to breast cancer survivors where speakers share best practices, real-life experiences, and data. Make sure to visit our Video Resource Library to access recordings of past programs. 

Survivors and Thrivers

Breast Cancer University™ is committed to creating educational programs to offer real-time support to survivors and thrivers. Subject matter experts offer practical advice on topics regarding diagnosis, treatment, and challenges that may occur after treatment ends.  This is an opportunity for attendees to ask their questions during the webinars and receive feedback from the speakers live.  Make sure to visit our Video Resource Library to access previous recordings of our Ask the Experts! Let’s Talk About Breast Cancer video series. 

For more information, check out our resource links below:

Ask the Experts! Let’s Talk about Breast Cancer

Newly Diagnosed: Next Steps

Newly Diagnosed Metastatic: Next Steps

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