Workplace Giving
A 2020 Forbes study indicated that 75% of companies surveyed indicated that giving back to the community was the most important reason to offer a workplace giving program. Further, employees who participated showed improved motivation, performance, and retention.
There are a few items to note when starting your philanthropic giving process.
The payroll deduction timeline at each company could look slightly different and disbursement schedules will vary. It could take up to 2-6 months for BCRC to receive and acknowledge your gift, which means planning is beneficial.
Via Matching Gifts
Many corporations offer employees an opportunity to participate in matching gift programs where the employer will match contributions made by the employee, dollar-for-dollar or sometimes more. These programs enable you (or your spouse) to double, or even triple, the impact of your personal donation.
State and Government Giving Programs

Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
If you are an active or retired employee of the federal government, remember BCRC when making your selection for the Combined Federal Campaign. Learn more about this program at